One of the marvels of modern medicine is greater life expectancy. On average, Singaporeans are expected to live until 80, and for many, way beyond that. Yet the greatest irony of a longer life is that a larger part of it is spent with chronic disease, which can result in simple daily activities posing a challenge. We see the need to collectively build a more sustainable system of care for those whose hard work has made Singapore the Nation it is today - our revered elderly.
Precious Homes (formerly known as Pacific Healthcare Nursing Home) stands as one of Singapore's established nursing homes, dedicated to providing comprehensive eldercare solutions. As a vital part of this mission and duty, our nursing homes in Singapore are built to provide well-equipped facilities, trained staff, and the best possible care to not only enhance the physical wellbeing of our seniors but to also encourage them to experience the joys of life, social connection, and the spirit of community. Understanding the evolving needs of families in Singapore, we offer flexible care options including respite care services. This short-term care solution provides temporary relief for primary caregivers while ensuring their loved ones receive professional care in a nurturing environment. Whether it's for a few days or several weeks, our respite care program maintains the same high standards of care that defines all our services
In our nursing homes across Singapore, we focus on creating an environment that feels like home while providing professional medical care. Our dedicated team includes registered nurses, healthcare assistants, and therapy professionals who work together to deliver personalized care plans.
We understand that each senior has unique needs, preferences, and life stories, and we honor these differences in our approach to care. Through our holistic care philosophy, we address not just the physical needs but also the emotional and social well-being of our residents. From medical supervision and rehabilitation services to engaging social activities and festive celebrations, we strive to make every day meaningful for our seniors.
This comprehensive approach to elderly care has established Precious Homes as a trusted partner in Singapore's healthcare landscape, continuing the legacy of excellence built during our time as Pacific Healthcare Nursing Home

Dr William Chong
张威廉医生于 1985 年毕业于新加坡国立大学,获得牙科学士学位,并在牙科手术、医学和口腔外科领域取得优异成绩。他还曾获得马来西亚牙科协会奖章、新加坡牙科协会主席奖章、大学铜质奖章和牙科协会银禧奖。后来,他获得了新加坡国立大学的牙科科学硕士学位,研究领域是骨再生和牙科植入物。他还于 1999 年获得澳大利亚皇家牙科医学院院士资格。
2002 年,他成立了 Pacific Healthcare Holdings Ltd,一家综合专业医疗服务提供商。为了对社会做出有意义的贡献,张医生专门建造了两家养老院,为年老病人提供全天候的住宿护理。此外,2014 年,他在新加坡各地建立了九家老年活动中心,为老年人提供一个安全、温馨的环境,让他们可以聚集在一起,参与各种活动,使他们保持身体健康、思维活跃和社交联系。此后,服务范围不断扩大,以提供更全面的方法来实现积极老龄化。
2019 年,张医生创立了 Precious 医疗中心,提供一站式解决方案,包括专科医疗、全面的诊断影像服务以及日间手术中心,该中心设有全身麻醉和内窥镜手术室。2023 年,Precious 集团又购置了 2 台 MRI 以满足对此类先进扫描日益增长的需求。我们非常感谢马来西亚最高元首柔佛苏丹依布拉欣陛下的支持,我们努力为社区提供最好的护理,并期待在柔佛提供类似的服务。如今,张医生继续满怀热情地领导并支持他最关心的事业——促进健康、丰富老年人的生活和教育。
We are proud to have served the seniors in our Community since 2004 and pleased to have been recognised at the 10th International Ageing Asia Innovation Forum in May 2019 for our contributions to Eldercare in Singapore.